Анкета для трудоустройства в ОАЭ

Заполните анкету для начала оформления трудоустройства в Арабские Эмираты

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Фото должно быть в портрет с улыбкой, размер 3x4

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Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.
Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.
Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.

Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.
Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.
Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.

Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.
Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.
Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.

Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.
Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.
Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.

Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.
Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.
Evaluate each skill of the language known (Written, Spoken, Understanding) within the scale from 2 to 5 and mark with + or any other relevant sign on the opposite side of each language. 2 - Average, not at ease communicating; 3 - Good, can have a basic discussion; 4 - Pretty fluent, comfortable and at ease; 5 - Fluent, with excellent vocabulary.



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